Camp Health and Safety Training

On March 14, Transylvania Public Health hosted its annual Camp Health and Safety Training for camp owners and operators in Transylvania County. Materials from the meeting are available below: View presentation slides Download 2023 Camp Health and Safety booklet  ...
11th Graders: Stay on Track

11th Graders: Stay on Track

Due to a North Carolina law, all students are required to receive the MCV vaccine before starting 12th grade or 17 years of age.  The vaccine will be offered to 11th graders school during the week of April 18. Transylvania Public Health school nurses will administer...
6th Graders: Stay on Track

6th Graders: Stay on Track

Due to a North Carolina law, all students are required to receive the Tdap & MCV vaccines before starting 7th grade or 12 years of age.  Both vaccines will be offered to 6th graders school during the week of April 18. Transylvania Public Health school nurses will...