Transylvania Public Health is dedicated to improving and protecting the health of all people in Transylvania County. We believe that “health” is more than just the absence of disease; true health is overall physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing, which is influenced by personal characteristics, behaviors, social and economic factors, and the environment.
Together, we serve our community by preventing disease and injury, promoting and encouraging healthy behaviors, protecting against environmental hazards, ensuring access to needed services, and responding to outbreaks and disasters. Many of these functions are invisible to the public. In fact, people typically become aware of the need for public health only when a problem develops.
This department ensures that residents have access to clean water and safe food, prevention and control of infectious diseases, education about and access to nutritious foods for themselves and their children, and help receiving health care services.
- monitor the health status of our community,
- engage the community to identify and solve health problems,
- enforce public health laws and regulations,
- develop public health policies and plans,
- protect people from health problems and hazards,
- give people the information they need to make healthy choices,
- and help people receive health services.
Transylvania Public Health is an agency of Transylvania County Government.
Transylvania Public Health
is located at 106 East Morgan Street in downtown Brevard.
Administrative offices and Environmental Health offices are located on the first floor.
Personal Health Services and WIC offices are located on the third floor.
Hours of Operation
Monday – Thursday
8:30am-12:00pm & 1:00pm-5:00pm
8:30am-5:00pm (last appt at 4:30pm)
The Transylvania County Board of Health is the policy-making, rule-making, and adjudicatory body for the Transylvania County Department of Public Health. Its purpose is to promote health, prevent disease, and protect the public’s health set forth in Chapter 130A of the North Carolina General Statutes.
The Board of Health consists of eleven members appointed by the Transylvania County Board of Commissioners. Its makeup includes a physician, a dentist, an optometrist, a veterinarian, a registered nurse, a pharmacist, a professional engineer, a county commissioner, and three representatives of the general public, all of whom must reside in Transylvania County. (If representatives of professional positions cannot be found, members of the general public may be appointed instead.) Each member serves a three-year term, and no member may serve more than three consecutive terms. The County Commissioner member shall serve only as long as the member is a county commissioner.
PJ Boatwright DVM
Wiley Sim Cozart III DDS
Heather “Dawn” Kauffman
Benajah Lamm PharmD
Teresa McCall
Christina Mahoney
Sandra G. McNeill
Elizabeth Privette
Teesie Stanton
The Transylvania County Board Health meets on the second Tuesday of every other month, starting at 6:00 pm (see annual schedule below). Meetings are held in the Community Services Building first floor large conference room, unless otherwise noted.
Agendas for each meeting are posted several days in advance of each meeting. Minutes are posted after they are approved and signed at the next Board of Health meeting.
February 14, 2023 – MINUTES
April 11, 2023 – MINUTES
June 13, 2023 – MINUTES
August 8, 2023 – MINUTES
October 10, 2023 – MINUTES
December 12, 2023 – MINUTES
2022 Board of Health Meeting Minutes
2021 Board of Health Meeting Minutes
2020 Board of Health Meeting Minutes
2019 Board of Health Meeting Minutes
2018 Board of Health Meeting Minutes
2017 Board of Health Meeting Minutes
2016 Board of Health Meeting Minutes
2015 Board of Health Meeting Minutes
2014 Board of Health Meeting Minutes
2013 Board of Health Meeting Minutes
2012 Board of Health Meeting Minutes
2011 Board of Health Meeting Minutes